Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Pumpkin carving with family! The kids had fun picking out their own pumpkins, and then they got to paint them after dinner. Bryce was an absolute mess but he had fun. Skyler painted a face with purple hair.

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Happy Halloween! I decided after Skyler wanted to be a butterfly (her favorite animal right now!) I wanted Bryce to be some sort of bug. I decided to make a lightning bug costume, complete with glowing rear end! It doesn't look too great inside, but it looked great as we went outside in my parents neighborhood. A good friend helped me make Skyler's wings. We got the kids dressed and went to church first since it was Wednesday night. They played some games and got some candy. Bryce loved his "loll-pop". And recently when you ask him to smile for the camera, this is the face he gives you (below).

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